The Pros and Cons of Saltwater Pools

The Pros and Cons of Saltwater Pools

The popularity of saltwater pools has grown in recent years, everywhere from backyards to hotel resorts. But before you invest in a saltwater swimming pool, learn about the important pros and cons associated with this type of feature.

Advantages of Saltwater Pools

Low Chlorine Levels – First, the water in a saltwater pool has less chlorine content compared to a regular pool. This is because you do not need to physically add chlorine in the water. Instead, saltwater pool systems use chlorine generators that convert salt into chlorine.
Gentle on Your Skin – Second, because of the significantly lower chlorine content in the water, swimming pools that use saltwater systems are less damaging to the skin. People who have very sensitive skin or those who suffer from allergies will not have problems when they take a dip in this type of swimming pool.
Low Salt Levels – Third, even though they’re called saltwater pools, the water actually has lower amounts of salt than ocean water. As a matter of fact, the salt content in this type of pool is proportionately the same as that in human tears. Hence, you can safely open your eyes even while underwater. The small amount of salt in the water can also make the skin feel softer and smoother. 

Low Maintenance – Finally, and most importantly, a saltwater pool requires less maintenance. With this type of pool in your home, you can leave town for a couple of weeks and not worry about green algae growing in the water. The latest saltwater systems are capable of monitoring cleanliness and automatically cleaning the pool water.

Disadvantages of Saltwater Pools

Installation Expense – On the downside, a saltwater swimming pool is more expensive to install compared to a regular pool. However, after the installation, you don’t have to spend money on buckets of chlorine. This means that you can save a lot of money in the long run and come out ahead with a saltwater system or chlorine generator in your pool.
Wear and Tear – Next, many owners also complain that the salt content in the water can damage other swimming pool parts and accessories. The permanent presence of salt, no matter how small in concentration, can ruin underwater lighting systems, pool liners, and even the overall masonry work done in the pool.
Salt Damage to Plants – Moreover, the backwash or wastewater that comes from a saltwater swimming pool is known to kill plants and dissolve beneficial soil nutrients. As a result, this type of pool has been linked to crop damage in some areas in Australia and even in the U.S. It is not surprising that there are American towns and localities that prohibit the use of saltwater swimming pools. So, you need to first check with local authorities before you invest in this type of swimming pool.

Electricity Use – Finally, even with less maintenance, saltwater pools need electricity for the chlorine generator to work. A 20,000-gallon pool will require about 500 watts of power. In short, your operating cost for this type of swimming pool may be higher compared to a traditional one.
Do the pros of a saltwater pool outweigh the cons for you? While you’re deciding on your pool type, think of incorporating some other water features.

By | 2017-09-18T19:29:14+00:00 September 18th, 2017|